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Blog Category: Family Law

Websites & Apps That May be Useful in Your Divorce, Post-Divorce, & Co-Parenting – Part II

Jul 16, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

In 2018, I posted a blog containing a list of websites and apps that may be helpful during a divorce. In the six years that have elapsed since that was written, technology has expanded and much has...

What if My Spouse Refuses to Leave?

Jun 12, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

In a recent appeal, the NJ Appellate Division addressed when a court order, in this case a Final Judgment of Divorce, requires a litigant to vacate and sell a home, and the enforceability of same. ...

Thirteen New Updates in Family Law

May 10, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

Every few months, I blog about recent updates in the many areas of family law, including divorce, custody, parenting time, domestic violence, alimony, child support, retirement assets, counsel fees,...

Cohabitation in 2024

Apr 4, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

Cohabitation can have a wide range of meanings, and therefore, the language used in your Marital Settlement Agreements (MSA) to describe or define cohabitation can be incredibly important.  If your...

Four Recent Updates in Family Law

Mar 6, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

The attorneys in our office receive daily updates on recent court decisions.  These updates serve as an important tool that attorneys should review and understand.  The law can change, and...

What Happens If My Spouse Dies While Our Divorce Is Pending?

Feb 7, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

When a spouse dies during a divorce (before the divorce judgment is entered), the divorce proceeding ends and with that also ends the statutory right to equitable distribution.  The matter is then...

What Happens If You Violate a No-Contact Provision in a Restraining Order?

Jan 10, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

Did you know that if you are a defendant in a restraining order (temporary or permanent), you may not have any contact with the victim/plaintiff?  Did you know that violations of restraining orders...

What is the Cost of a Good Divorce Lawyer?

Dec 8, 2023 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

You may have heard the answer to the question “What is the cost of a good divorce lawyer?” as “far less than a bad one.”  Although this may seem like just another bad lawyer joke, there is...

How to Help Settle Your Divorce Case

Nov 15, 2023 | Written by: William J. Rudnik, Esq. |

As it takes two people to get married, it takes two people to get divorced.  To settle your divorce case, it takes two people being reasonable and compromising.  So how can you, as a client, help to...

How to Prepare for a Child Support Hearing

Nov 2, 2023 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

If parents are unable to agree about how to support their children, the courts can intervene.  This applies to married parents who are divorcing, those who are not yet divorcing, or unmarried parents...